Configuring YSoft SafeQ Client v3
All configuration-related files are located in the configuration folder located in YSoft SafeQ Spooler's root folder.
There are three configuration types:
YSoft SafeQ Spooler Configuration
Logging Configuration
YSoft SafeQ Spooler Configuration
When a YSoft SafeQ Spooler starts, it tries to download the configuration from YSoft SafeQ, which is then saved into cached.json.
When the Site Server is not available, YSoft SafeQ Spooler retries configuration retrieval indefinitely.
It loads configuration as follows:
Download configuration from YSoft SafeQ Management Service and save it to cached.json.
Load or create static.json
Load cached.json.
Load local.json.
Override values from cached.json with values from local.json (
it does not rewrite the file, only in memory).
local.json is used for overriding configuration downloaded from YSoft SafeQ which is stored in cached.json.
It uses the same configuration keys as available in the Management Server.
static.json if the configuration file does not exist, it is generated by YSoft SafeQ Spooler, it currently contains the YSoft SafeQ Spooler GUID for identification. This file should not be modified or deleted, doing so might lead to the loss of jobs.
When the configuration is changed on management, the spooler does not require a restart. Exceptions are:
Guid - would lead to loss of jobs (this should never be changed).
IPP printer settings.
Site server configuration.
Job Store path.
Configuration files are created under the Administrator account. Administrator privileges are required to edit configuration files. To ensure end users cannot modify these files you need to set adequate access permissions.
Required configuration
Required is only Site Server configuration which should be filled during installation.
"SiteServerOptions": {
"SiteServers": [
"Scheme": "http",
"Host": "",
"JobServicePort": 5000
Cached configuration
The cached configuration is categorized into
UncategorizedOptions - This category contains all of the configuration properties from YSoft SafeQ Management Service, which we currently do not use.
Available configuration values
Group | Key | Type | Default value | Description |
SpoolerOptions | Guid | string | Spooler identifier. | |
UserInterfacePort | int | 3000 | Port where are hosted static files for the electron web application | |
BufferSize | int | 65536 | Size of the buffer | |
CacheCredentials | bool | true | Flag if user credentials will be cached in the client's machine so she will be asked less frequently to sign in when submitting a print job | |
EnableQueueManagementInClient | bool | false | Enables Queue Management from YSoft SafeQ Client v3 context menu. | |
DriverConfigurationFolderPath | string | ..\..\DriverConfigurations | Path to folder containing configuration files. On Windows usually .dat file | |
DriverName | string | Name of the print driver used when the direct queue is deployed. (Available only on Windows) | ||
DriverConfigurationFileName | string | Name of the configuration .dat file used when the direct queue is deployed. (Available only on Windows) | ||
OfflinePrintEnabled | bool | false | Users using YSoft SafeQ client v3 or YSoft SafeQ FlexiSpooler will be able to send a print job directly to the recently used device when communication with the server is unavailable. This configuration is set from YSoft SafeQ Management Service through Job Service. | |
SiteServerOptions | EnableManualSiteServerSelection | bool | false | If set to true, automated print location (Site Server) is disabled and user chooses the location manually. |
SiteServerSources | array | List of Site Server sources, delimited by comma. Possible sources are: "local" and "jobservice". "Local" - the client will include Site Servers from its local configuration file into its Site Server selection pool "JobService" - the client will include Site Servers from the configuration provided by jobservice into its Site Server selection pool | ||
DisableCertificateValidation | bool | false | Sets whether spooler should ignore server certificate errors | |
KeepAliveInterval | TimeSpan | 00:00:15 | Represents the interval to send keep-alive pings. Should be at most half of the JobService's ClientTimeoutInterval to avoid connectivity issues. | |
SelectedSiteServerAlias | string | Represents the value of the currently selected print location, if the manual selection is enabled by EnableManualSiteServerSelection. It is useful for setting the default value for the user. Corresponds to either Alias or Host property of the Site Server. If not set, first in the list is selected. | ||
SiteServerOptions.SiteServers | Host | string | IP Address or hostname of the Site Server. | |
Alias | string | Alias as Site Server host. | ||
JobServicePort | int | 5000 | Port of Job Service. | |
ServerSpoolerPort | int | 5002 | P orts where YSoft SafeQ Spoolers in Server mode listen | |
Scheme | string | A scheme used for communication with the Site Server. Either HTTP or HTTPS. | ||
JobDeliveryOptions | IppPrinterConnectionTimeout | TimeSpan | 00:00:15 | Network connection timeout in which IPP server must respond or the print fails. |
RawPrinterConnectionTimeout | TimeSpan | 00:00:30 | Network connection timeout in which TCP counterpart must respond or the print fails. Defined in seconds. | |
RawPrinterConnectionLingerTimeout | int | 0 | When not zero, TCP connection is not closed until all queued messages for the socket have been successfully sent or the linger timeout has been reached. Defined in seconds. | |
LprPrinterConnectionTimeout | TimeSpan | 00:00:30 | Network connection timeout in which LPR server must respond or the print fails. | |
LprPrinterConnectionLingerTimeout | int | 0 | When not zero, TCP connection is not closed until all queued messages for the socket have been successfully sent or the linger timeout has been reached. Defined in seconds. | |
LprBufferSize | int | 65536 | Buffer size used for sending data (usually to MFD) via LPR. | |
InternalLdapReplaceAtChar | bool | If set to true, the character "@" (at) is replaced with the given value. | ||
RemovePjlDminfoForHp | string | Enabling this property causes the removal of the Dminfo PJL header from HP print jobs as the header could cause problems during printing. | ||
AsposeLicensePassword | string | Password for Aspose license. | ||
PrintedJobPath | string | The path where a modified job will be stored upon delivery. | ||
SaveTickets | bool | false | If set then Spooler will store the Print request at PrintedJobPath. | |
JobReceivingOptions | UseIpp | bool | true | If enabled, Spooler will use IPP for receiving print jobs |
UseIpps | bool | false | If enabled, Spooler will use IPPS for receiving print jobs | |
IppPort | int | 631 (5631) | The port used in the Spooler for receiving print jobs through IPP. | |
IppsPort | int | 632 (5632) | The port used in the Spooler for receiving print jobs through IPPS. | |
CertificatePath | string | certificate.pfx | Defines the path to certificate needed to use for IPPS | |
CertificatePassword | string | password | Defines the password needed for the certificate | |
SQLPRPrt | int | 515 (5515) | Port used in the Spooler for receiving print jobs through LPR. | |
IsServer | bool | false | If enabled, Spooler will run in server mode | |
ParseUserFromTitle | string | Defines a list of usernames so that if a print job comes from one of them. | ||
ParseUserFromTitleDelimiter | string | [.:_/\\] | A regular expression that defines the delimiter of the components of print job titles for parsing a username. | |
ParseUserFromTitleIndex | int | 1 | Defines where the username is located (a numerical index of the first character of the username) in print job titles. | |
ParseUserFromTitlePreserverTitle | bool | false | If enabled, the original job title is preserved. Otherwise, username is removed from the print job title. | |
RemoveDelimiterAfterParsedUsername | bool | false | If enabled, the following delimiter after username will be removed. Otherwise job title may contain delimiter which was before username. The property works if the property ParseUserFromTitlePreserverTitle is enabled. | |
LprEncoding | string | Default | Defines the encoding used by the LPR protocol for the LPD print server.
| |
WaitForDataTimeout | TimeSpan | 00:00:30 | Defines how long will the spooler wait for the next data chunk before time out-ing. | |
RemoveInvalidCharactersFromJobTitle | bool | true | If enabled, invalid characters (according to XML 1.0 specification) are removed from the title of each print job | |
HeaderAnalysisBufferSize | long | 256000 | Size of the buffer used for header analysis. | |
DefaultJobLanguage | JobLanguage (string) | Other | Other is useful for most cases, but if the customer produced PCL5 without PJL (unwrapped), setting this to PCL will allow full processing of these jobs | |
JobStoreOptions | Path | string | JobStore | Path to job store. |
MinimumDiskSpaceRequired | long | 500 | The minimum amount of disk space required to accept print jobs in Megabytes (MB). | |
DiskSpaceMonitoringEnabled | bool | true | Enables and disables disk space monitoring. | |
AuthenticationOptions | AuthenticationType | string | Specifies the authentication type to use on the client. Possible values: DOMAIN_USERNAME, USERNAME_AND_PASSWORD, STORED_USERNAME, DOMAIN_USERNAME_FROM_CLIENT DOMAIN_USERNAME - The Job Service will try to use Windows Integrated Authentication (SSO) to authenticate the user. If SSO is successful the user will not get the login window. If SSO fails user will be prompted for the credentials. USERNAME_AND_PASSWORD - The user will have to enter the credentials to authenticate. STORED_USERNAME - The Job Service will try to use the stored username from the client to authenticate the user. If authentication is successful the user will not get the login window.
DOMAIN_USERNAME_FROM_CLIENT - Client V3 retrieves the username by calling whoami.exe /UPN and uses this as it would be a STORED_USERNAME. It is convenient when Job Service is in a different domain than Client V3 and other is no trust between those domains. The username is always in UPN format user@domain. This option is only for Windows Client V3. If you use also Client V3 on Mac, the AuthenticationType should be locally overridden. Both STORED_USERNAME and DOMAIN_USERNAME_FROM_CLIENT require additional settings on Job Service. AuthenticationOptions. AuthenticatedUserMustMatchJobTicketOwner set to False, AuthenticationOptions.AllowStoredUsernameFromClient set to True. For more information and security considerations, please see AuthenticationOptions on Configuring YSoft SafeQ Job Service page. | |
Username | string | The username used for STORED_USERNAME authentication method. | ||
DhcpDiscoveryOptions | Enabled | bool | false | Enables DHCP discovery of Site Server addresses. |
Timeout | TimeSpan | 00:00:15 | How long DHCP discovery will wait for a DHCP response after sending a DHCP request. | |
FilterRules | Array | empty array | Configures filtering of results obtained via DHCP discovery. See DHCP discovery of site servers for more details. | |
SpoolerApiOptions | JobDataTemporaryTokenExpirationTimeout | TimeSpan | 00:00:30 | Memory Cache expiration timeout for any temporary token that is related to job data download |
SpoolerUpdateOptions | RequireValidSignature | bool | true | Client will validate the signature of the package against the certificate from the server |
RequireTrustedCertificate | bool | true | Client will execute the update package only if the underlying operating system trusts the certificate | |
RequireMatchingCertificateFields | bool | true | Client will execute the update package only if the certificate's subject contains required fields (see RequiredCommonNames and RequiredCountries) | |
RequiredCommonNames | string | Y Soft Corporation, a.s. | Client will check whether the certificate contains all of these common names | |
RequiredCountries | string | CZ | Client will check whether the certificate contains all of these countries | |
PrintJobCommand | Timeout | TimeSpan | 00:30:00 | Specifies the upper limit of how long can printing jobs take. |
UpdateSpoolerCommand | Timeout | TimeSpan | 00:00:10 | Specifies the upper limit of how long can updating spooler take. |
UpdateConfigurationCommand | Timeout | TimeSpan | 00:00:30 | Specifies the upper limit of how long can updating configuration take. |
NotifyUserCommand | Timeout | TimeSpan | 00:00:30 | Specifies the upper limit of how long can sending a notification to a user take. |
DeleteJobCommand | Timeout | TimeSpan | 00:00:10 | Specifies the upper limit of how long can deleting print jobs take. |
GeneratePreviewCommand | Timeout | TimeSpan | 00:03:00 | Specifies the upper limit of how long can print job preview generation take. |
Printer Configuration
This contains IPP printer configuration.
Logging Configuration
This contains the configuration of YSoft SafeQ Spooler's logging.
It is based on Serilog's configuration (see
Some of the default options
path - (default 'logs/spooler.log') location of the log
rollingInterval - (default 'Day') specifies the minimum time when the log will be rotated (this adds the date format to the log file name). Available options are Infinite, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute
fileSizeLimitBytes (default 20000000) - maximal size of log file
rollOnFileSizeLimit (default true) - specifies if log will be rotated after maximum size is reached, if false, NOTHING is logged when the maximal limit is reached.
retainedFileCountLimit (default 30) - maximal number of log files. If exceeded, the oldest file gets deleted
The configuration archives the logs in a GZip format after file roll.