Client Based Print Roaming

Client Based Print Roaming moves the most critical and intensive task - the handling of print data - from the server to a user's workstation. This is done by a local print spooler placed on workstation as part of the YSoft SafeQ client components. The server works only with small metadata (few kB per job) and instructs local spoolers how to work with print jobs.

The result is a need for servers that are fewer in number (typically 2-4 times fewer) and more lightweight server which has lower hardware, software and maintenance costs. Client Based Print Roaming may also positively affect the company network by reducing traffic since jobs are handled on the user’s workstation.

Should a user send a print job and his workstation become unavailable (or he closes his laptop), a locally spooled print can be optionally replicated to a backup location. The advantage is the user doesn’t have to depend on the availability of the original, locally spooled job and instead can print one its replicas. Print job replicas are invisible to the end users. When a user deletes a print job that has replicas, all replicas are also deleted.