Basic Architecture

YSoft SafeQ Spooler is a new job spooling component different from YSoft SafeQ FlexiSpooler it is designed to be cross-platform and include the YSoft SafeQ UI - a new UI experience for the user.

Spooler consists of:

  • YSoft.SafeQ.Spooler service: service/daemon that has similar functionalities to YSoft SafeQ FlexiSpooler service,

  • YSoft.SafeQ.SafeQ UI process: a new cross-platform UI experience for the user substituting existing YSoft SafeQ Desktop Interface.

In order for YSoft SafeQ Spooler to function with existing YSoft SafeQ 6 deployments it needs a server counter-part (a connector to rest of YSoft SafeQ 6 components if you will), we call this component YSoft SafeQ Job Service. In the future YSoft SafeQ Job Service will be used for many more functionalities and has part in a broader architecture revisioning.

YSoft SafeQ Job Service

Job Service has following responsibilities:

  • Handles connection with spoolers

  • Manages job metadata between Spooler Controller and Spooler

  • Communicates with Spooler Controller using YMQ

  • Hosts IdentityServer to allow Spooler authentication

  • Provides distributed layer which contains Job id x Spooler id mapping and Spooler id x Job Service id mapping

  • Sends a configuration file to update the Site Server list in Spooler


YSoft SafeQ Spooler and YSoft SafeQ Job Service with respect to rest of YSoft SafeQ 6


YSoft SafeQ Spooler in detail


Near roaming group


Port usages

  • See diagrams above.