Advanced direct print configuration


For printers installed with IPP backend, when printer is not ready to receive jobs and reply with stopped status (e.g. because of paper jam, full memory, etc.) direct print will be retried so the user have opportunity to fix the printer (fix paper jam, delete old jobs, etc.) and allow the job to be released.


Log in to the YSoft SafeQ management interface with sufficient rights to change system setting (for example, "admin") and access the Tenant view. Go to System > Spooler > Expert tab.

Configure following options:

  • directPrintRetryAttempts - number of attempts to check printer status and print the job. If no retry should be made, set this property to 0.

  • directPrintRetryTimeoutSeconds - time period between each print attempt in seconds.


  1. Direct print retry is only for printers installed with LPR or IPP/IPPS backend.

  2. Direct print jobs are not always printed in the same order as user sent them.


  1. Direct print jobs are sent to the FlexiSpooler over LPR protocol, which is not encrypted.

  2. It is recommended to configure printers to use IPPS protocol since it is most secure option.

  3. Depending on printer model, direct print jobs can get printed although another user is currently logged in on the device. A s a result jobs of both users can be mixed.